Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Horatio called me "Chelsea" today.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What's in a Name?

Yay, so this post cleverly ties in with two of my obsessions: pulling pranks on people...and coffee.

So there is a Starbucks on campus. Which was frequently frequented (deliberate) by me many, many times last semester. This semester, I have cut down my coffee consumption drastically (only twice a week now! :O), but have missed out on the drama that IS the on-campus Starbucks.

One of the baristas (hereby named Horatio) was/is a hilariously consistent flirt. There isn't a female who darkens the glass doors of the place that doesn't get smiled at or winked at. I am not an exception; I suspect that the fellow is desperate because I know enough about the guy to realize that beneath the charming veneer is an obnoxiously annoying 12-year-old soul. Even heard him get REEEEEJECTED by one of the female of the more hilarious moments of my semester.

Well, due to my frequent visits, he (like all baristas should) started to recognize me, so we'd joke back and forth and it was cool. Until they started really pumping up the whole STARBUCKS WILL REMEMBER YOUR NAME! thing. Which made it snickeringly obvious to me that my name is clearly not as memorable to him as, say, the names of every other cute, semi-regular girl patron. So, Starbucks visits became more a test of "Will Horatio finally call me by something other than 'Oh, oh...I know this...' or the more common '*cringe* I'm sorry...'."

So today, I come in. Horation grins and says "How's it going?" as per usual.
"Eh, good. And you?" says I.
"Pretty good. What can I get started for you?" (His speed at making drinks has increased dramatically over break. Hallelujah as previously, to quote Manny the Moody Mammoth, "I've seen entire continents move faster than you...")
"Tall. Nonfat. Mocha."
"Okay and this is for SHAY!" he hoots triumphantly.
Me *giggling* ""
"It's not?! I thought you were a-"
"'s Izzy."
*guy at the cash machine cuts in halfway through* "ZY! HA! I KNEW THAT!" *points and laughs at Horatio*
Horatio: *shame* "Yeah, well...this was a grande, right?"
*snort* "Not quite...a tall. Like usual?"
*cash machine* "Gosh, Horatio! Can't even get her-"
"Yeah, but I can make it a grande if you want," says Horatio. Slightly confused now. I guess the idea of a new name PLUS the drink size he wasn't expecting is just too overwhelming.
"No. Just a tall."
*cash machine* "Dude, she wants a short now."
"What? Really?"
Me: "Nawww....a Viente."
Horatio: "Wait what?"
"Just kidding, dude."
"Naw, but I can really make you a viente if you wanted one...AUGH decide."
Me *doubling over with laughter* "A tall! A tall! I wanted and still want a tall!"
*cash register* "In a viente there's...y'"
Horatio *snickering* "Fine."
*Cash register* "And this is for Shay...*grins* right? We're gonna have to call you that from now on. "

I cannot wait to go in next week to see how confused poor Horatio remains.

I love messing with people's heads.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Review of 9 *SPOILERS*

Saw 9 today! *squee*

So, in the spirit of my last post: I'm going to review it.
Firstly, might I add that I am an avid fan of steampunk, so the post-apocalyptic crossed with technosteampunk genre of the movie is just...well, win. And, my word, they pulled no punches in lazy frame filling. I want to watch it again if only to take in the glorious detail of how everything worked.

But back to the story, which was, in short...fairly borderline *shrug*. I mean, it was an interesting premise, but the backstory and solution were definitely quite Applied Phlebotinum. "Oh, we're calling it a Talisman now? *blink blink* News to me..." And, perhaps I'm thick, but I didn't quite see where the Scientist explains that if you rip out the Talisman (why they needed the Scientist to figure out that if you rip out the thing that made the Big Bag come alive, it will die) and THEN press the buttons it will destroy the Big Bad and THEN still have the spirits inside of it, which, when released, will make it rain. That wuz silleh. It felt like a PG story in a PG-13-year-old's body. I would have appreciated a bit more complicated and sensible story to shore up the fantastic world and characters that were created.

BUT on to the good stuff: loved the rating! Loved! Loved! Loved! I think it was a wise choice in that it didn't reign in the creators by having to go: Oh dear...PG movie. Hrm..... BUT they didn't take it upon themselves to "push the envelope" and make it a "solid pg-13" movie by adding in all sorts of whatnot. :D

YA HEY! This movie is brilliant in taking stock characters and making you LOVE them! Favorites have to be, hands down, the Twins. But genius on part of the filmmaker to make most of the drama surround the death of a character who has a whopping 3 or so minutes of screentime. I mean, there were a few people who needed fleshing out, but it was solved for me by not having just one really quirky eccentric character. You got Twins, Two, Five, and Six who were all slightly unbalanced and adorable, making each of them individual rather than a "standby QUIRKY!!one" solution.

Music was gorgeous. Beautiful beautiful beautiful.

Oh, by the way, was anyone else thinking of Doris (right? Doris from Meet the Robinsons...another classic! ^^) with the machines. Note to future filmmakers: robots should have two eyes from now on.

Overall take: Really happy and just happy. Gizmos! Gizmos! GORGEOUS! Would have appreciated some more thorough storytelling and wished it were longer. (And no more one-eyed robots) Otherwise a truly fantastic film.

4 stars out of 5

Thursday, January 21, 2010

On books.

Library day!
I feel like a little kid again: I got to chill at the Library for two hours solid today! Oh, it made my week! After the initial disappointment of not being able to find the books that I wanted (Ender's Shadow, American gods, and Howl's Moving Castle), I dug up some other books by similar authors and then sat down to read...Harry Potter.

Yep, we were one of the families that didn't read 'em when they first came out. But that's behind and, although I am going to respect what I sense would be my father's wishes and not bring them into the house, now I blew through (at my scanning creep) the first one (a surprisingly thin book, compared to all the hype that surrounded it)...I stopped about 2/3 of the way through before I had to go.

My take (gasp! An unpublished person has the NERVE to review the AMAZING that is JK Rowling? Yesh. Yesh I do.): eh, pretty fun read for a typical Hero's Journey story. Dialogue is pretty fun and the characters each have a very good distinct voice. I really enjoyed Dumbledore's eccentricity, until I realized that it was a big over-the-top in some parts. Almost like the theory that inserting pickle or banana into whatever sentence you say will immediately make it comic genius. ERM not-so-much.

I also am disappointed in her lack of world-building when it comes to the Magic system. Which was a letdown after her brilliant descriptions of Harry's introduction to the whole world. The magic seems very, very vague and (therefore) lends itself to Deus Ex Machina.

And now I've run out of things to say. So over all....have a happy day.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Caffeine and a Prayer

Well, this last week has been "liek wow!"

I got appointed as a moderator on AFC, which is totally amazing. I mean, I'm *fairly* new to the site (Only a year of membership compared to most of the regulars), and when I offered my application, I was kind of expecting that if I got it at all, I'd be one among several (who would consist of some more experienced people.) Instead, I got the only position, and that was a massive shock. I'm totally excited, but flat out overwhelmed (the buttons! all these new buttons! :O). I hope I do an okay job. The staff on the site is really amazing and professional, so I guess I just feel like a tiny person among some big folks. But I hope to learn quickly and not make too many mistakes.

I need to buckle down and drive enough so I feel comfortable going in for my licensing test. We're gonna work on that. ;)

Losing weight. Yikes, it is been a fabulous Christmas season, but this seriously needs to stop otherwise the Freshman fifteen will be a dream goal. My hope is to drop 10lbs in addition to building muscle. My goal: increase activity and decrease caloric intake by not snarfing food. I think that'll help. In addition, I'm going to seriously up my water intake. *resolves*

Class. It starts next week. I'm taking five classes: intro to English studies (one credit blah class, but sounds like lots of busywork and some lectures), Introduction to Music (should be easy and fun!), Macroeconomics (Yay for thorough senior courses and amazing friends who recommend classes! This should be interesting and fairly simple), Modern Southeast Asia (Okay, so this Eastern Civ class that nearly killed me last semester? This is by the same guy, and it is 200-level. ), and Stars and Cosmology. Fun! Fun! I'mgonnadie! Fun!

Annnd I need to be working more because I'm probably gonna be facing more monthly fees and payments soon. (And I get to do my own taxes...woop woop...)

Finally happy death knell is that I am officially screenwriting for one of my filmmaker friends. One is due mid Februrary (Oh yeah, and I have to finish a quiz by then for the forum. More death) and the other mid March. Fortunately for me, we are recycling an oldish idea for the first one. But I need something new, and amazing by May. This is gonna be fun.


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Requisite New Year post

Hmmm New Years. Fun times.
Another year to hope for the best; another year of probably getting the worst.

Everyone is so hyped up on changing themselves, when that isn't the problem. We change; every day we change, little irrational human beings we are. The problem is changing for the better and ay, there's the rub (ooh, ooh PROFUNDITY ALERT! SHAKESPEARE QUOTATION MODE ACTIVATED).

This year in Summary:

I feel a ton older; an ounce wiser; but not too worse for wear. It's hard to not become wearied by just ourselves, much less this planet of human beings that go around being...human beings.

Ah, spoken by a true person who hasn't had any hardships! XD I mean, seriously, what have I to complain about. And yet, I don't think the Lord looks down on my observations because they have a fraction of truth. As angsty as noting the "wretched self-centerdness of humanity" is, it is kind of true. Just another bit of truth to pile on the sadder, tougher truth experienced by most of the rest of the world.

So, I rest in the grace of God; pray for him to change me so I can make even a small difference in the world. And, in the mean time, I turn my cynicism to whimsy as that is the only escape we have, I think. Savor and increase the tiny, useless things in life to make the deep dark serious stuff look a little less dark and serious. Well, at least give our brains a break from it for a bit. We need to acknowledge both sides of the coin in order to see the real three-dimensional object.

And here I am...rambling.
Happy New Year everyone! Love your Family! Cherish your Friends! Pray for Wisdom! Keep a wary eye out for the HUNDREDS OF ANGSTY BACKSTABBERS THAT ARE OUT THERE *eyeliner*

On this bizarre note, I leave you...
*takes a bow*

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Too many things not posted...

Ok, so I started writing innumerable blog posts, but they all ended in fail.
Story of my life: I've become this guy,
(Per usual disclaimer: be aware that you could be offended if you browse further in XKCD.)

tl;dr version of the last...2 months: I didn't keep my promise to update the blog. But that's ok, because no one particularly cares. University is fun but...stress. Our house got yet another hole cut in it due to a workman "error." (My theory: we have a ghost that wants to get out, so he keeps making people cut holes in our walls. Why the sucker doesn't leave, I dunno.) The onions that were watching me have died. I trimmed my hair with non-disatrous results. I got swine flu. I survived swine flu. I said stupid things. I drank my weight in Starbucks.

I'd like to give a squee out to my English class.
We are awesome. My teacher is a grad student who is absolutely hilarious. Most story workshops culminate in the following sentence: "Yeah, your story just needs more death." Between that and the occasional hilarious "writing fail" (which can, alternatively, culminate in extreme frustration "Ur Bad Writing Iz Hurtin' Mah Soul")...such as the case where we recommended that the author just change the mother figure to a girlfriend. Worst part was, he wouldn't really have to change much. Freud chuckles evilly.
Ah, fiction class, where would my Monday nights be without you? Stream of consciousness is great an all, but "Up and coming up again Rick this time..." just doesn't smack of Joseph Conrad. And bowel =/= bowl. Just...yeah.
And I would post the quote of the semester, but I sense people would run away screaming, so I won't. Wise choices.

Also featured this last semester: Quandaries. Wow, my brain has been busily buzzing this whole fall fluctuating between a massively strong faith and a "Huh....oh bother" sort of faith. This actually excites me somewhat even though I'm still in a bit of some quandaries at the moment, but I think that whatever comes out of this, I'll be stronger. I'm *thinking* God can handle some questions and quandaries. I never wanted a blind shallow faith, and I think that this will help me get a deeper, more wide-eyed faith.

Also new: I'm being really bold about saying what I believe. Not so much in the prostlytizing department as much as: Well, here's what I think and feel to be very, very true. And people who I think I would disagree with aren't fleeing or condemning or anything. So I think the Lord is working a saweet balance between declaring truth and still being compassionate towards people. This makes me happy because as my awesome Eastern Civ professor stated: There are people way smarter than you or I who believe things that you might think ridiculous, so stop laughing...this has to make sense on some level. A very interesting tightrope to walk between saying: "OH THAT'S YOUR TRUTH AND THAT'S WONDERFUL!" and "YOU ARE GOING TO BURN IN HELL FOREVER AND EVER YOU SINNNNNAR; STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!!!!!" There has to be a middle ground, but it is a middle ground in a minefield.
So, we're three weeks away from my first semester being over and I've already learned a ton. As agaonizing as it is, I am so glad I have taken Anthropology. It has not only challenged my own preconceptions, but also has provided me with new insights and arguments against certain dogmas (both mainstream and not). And my professor is quite possibly the nicest person on the planet. What other professor uses: "Elvis has left the building, and so have I" as a notification that he'll be out of town over Thanksgiving break.

On a less "I'm totally deep" note: NOMISTENTIAL CRISIS. ReddiWhip versus The Real Thing.

On one hand, The Real Thing tastes oh so much better and creamier.
On the other hand ReddiWhip comes in CANS so you can mainline it for two minutes straight while hearing that satistfying "SKRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFT"
On the other hand ReddiWhip comes in CANS...canned food...aerosol canned food...ew.
On the OTHER HAND Reddiwhip is convenient
On the OTHER HAND The Real Thing lets you use an awesome beater! *bzzzz*

I dunno.....